Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

So it is Thanksgiving morning here in beautiful Boston. I am staying at Molly’s aunt and uncle’s house for the week puppy-sitting poor little Ruben (the growing-very-fast puppy who is just sweet as can be. It is a real hardship to have to play with him for a week), who went to Italy for the week to visit their daughter who is going to university there. Yesterday we spent the day cooking. Molly made a 23 pound turkey and I made a batch of kugula (I just googled kugula, and I am shocked to find so little coming up on it. I mean really, for something that is as fundamentally fabulous as kugula, there should be a site devoted to it somewhere) . They both smell really, really good and I cannot wait to eat them (I voiced a plan to Molly to not bring the 8x8 dish I made of it, only the 9x13, so that I could have it to myself. She promised she would kick my ass if I did that). We are having a big party with about 2 dozen classmates at a friend’s house. It should be very nice. There will be people from all over the world there (since the ones that are coming are the ones who do not have family in the area, and thus nowhere else to go), and each is supposed to bring a dish from their home country, and the Americans are supposed to bring something that we traditionally eat in our families.

Not much else going on. School is still school. It has been very busy. I have a very large project coming due on agriculture and deforestation in Cameroon, but I am comfortable with where we are (it is being done with another woman). Other than that there are finals approaching, which should be less than fun, but they will get done and it will be ok.

There are no picture of late because they are all sitting on my camera, and my cord to download them is sitting at home. But I will certainly try and post some from the dinner in the near future.

Hopefully you have taken a little time to browse the links to article on Uganda. It is really sad to watch this whole thing happen there, though not surprising at all. The groundwork was being put in place when I was there from 2002-04, and all my neighbors voiced their belief that Museveni is going nowhere by choice. Dawn came home last night, so I am looking forward to chatting with her in the near future about what Kampala was like. So it is time to head off. I have a puppy licking my socks and a dinner to start getting ready for.

Happy Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Search on 'kugelis'
You'll get some more hits.