Friday, July 01, 2005

A little bit of history for the last month

Ok, I made the decision to give a little bit of history on what has been going on in my life for the last month or so. School ended for the year mid-May, so it was time to hit the road!! So Molly and I loaded up her car, Bubba, and pointed it West. The first stop was Niagara Falls. It was what the pictures show... a whole lot of water falling over a cliff. The highlight most certainly had to be seeing the whole thing lit up with great big spotlights from Canada.

We then headed into the Chicago area for my cousin Rachael's wedding. It was very nice and I got to see everybody from the area, and both sides of my family. More importantly, I got to eat at Portillo's.

So very sweet on the tongue is a dipped combo sandwich...

From there it was further West. We went to the Badlands, Mt Rushmore, where we did out patriotic duty, Custer State Park, where we saw some adorable donkeys, one of which proceeded to snot all over my window and the Black hills. We saw lots of animals, including buffalo and antelope and turkey. Oh yea, we also went to Wall Drug. Interesting place, there is.

Nice Jack-A-Lope, huh?

During this time we ran into a massive storm, which started as a wall of black, then became massive raindrops and finally culminated in about 1 1 /2 inches of ice dropping out of the sky in about 2 minutes. Thank God I wasn't driving. But we lived through that.

Here comes the storm... It was short, but it convinced us pretty quickly on the folly of camping, if this was what constituted an "isolated thunderstorm".

Then it was on to Yellowstone. Truly amazing. We saw 3 grey wolves from about 30 meters away, and a black bear from about 10, as well as everything else there was to see except moose. There were no moose on the loose, it would seem. We then went through the Tetons, but unfortunately there were quite a lot of clouds, but still it was beautiful.

The Tetons from where we spent the night

Finally we stopped at Craters of the Moon. Very neat place. We then drove into the Portland area and to Estacada, where I had the pleasure of meeting the most beautiful and sweet Bassadore I have ever met.

The Bassadore hard at work playing stick in the creek

So there it is. 3,800 miles compressed into about 200 words.

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