Friday, March 21, 2008

Changing the Focus of the Blog

Well, I figure it has been at least a year since I updated this thing. I have been spending a lot of time trying to get my planted freshwater aquarium right, and people have been telling me I should start blogging about it, so here it goes.

At the moment the aquarium is a disaster, though a controlled one. The biggest struggle I have faced is with diatoms (brown algae). I have tried just about everything I could think of to fix this problem to no avail. This includes changing dosing regimes, lighting intensity and periods, adding otocinclus catfish (I have 12 currently, not including the baby that is swimming around in there), and adding silicate/ phosphate absorbing material in the filter. None of these have really helped in any dramatic way.

So from here on out I am planning on documenting what I do, what the results are, and what my plans are.

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